
Congressman Lamborn Opposes H.R. 2

For Immediate Release: July 1st, 2020
Contact: Cassandra Sebastian (719) 520-0055

Washington, D.C. - Today, the United States House of Representatives passed H.R. 2, the Democrat's INVEST in America Act, a $1.5 trillion-dollar "infrastructure" bill littered with Green New Deal proposals. This bill ignores the needs of most Americans and provides no way of paying for these radical and irresponsible initiatives. The bill was proposed with no Republican input.

Congressman Lamborn opposed the bill and issued the following statement:

"The Democrat's so called INVEST in America Act is nothing more than the Green New Deal disguised as an infrastructure bill. Instead of working in a bipartisan fashion, Democrats crafted this partisan legislation which will never become law, solely to cater to special interest climate extremists. This bill also further widens the disparity between rural and urban infrastructure by once again abandoning "flyover country," with seven times more funding going to infrastructure in urban cities. The $1.5 trillion-dollar price tag is reckless and puts the burden entirely on the backs of future generations. While we need to improve our aging infrastructure, I cannot in good faith support saddling future generations with massive debt so that Democrats can fulfill their partisan progressive agenda."

Further details about the Democrats radical proposal:

-Topline cost of $1.5 Trillion dollars
-Increases transit funding by 72%
-Funds $23 billion for green aviation
-Funds $29 billion for Amtrak
-Features a taxpayer funded bailout totaling $145 billion dollars
-Focuses on urban transportation rather than rural Americans


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