News from Congressman Mike Johnson



Notes from Mike's Desk from the Week of May 10 - 14, 2021

Hello, friends! Welcome back to my weekly newsletter highlighting what's happening on Capitol Hill and in Louisiana's 4th Congressional District. Thank you for subscribing and please consider recommending my newsletter to a friend.


As you may have seen in the news this week, I had the distinction of serving temporarily as the Chairman of the House Republican Conference, as we worked through the process of electing a new person to hold that number three Republican leadership position. While many of my colleagues encouraged me to run for the chairmanship myself, after much prayer and deliberation, Kelly and I decided I should complete my commitment to continue serving in this Congress as Vice Chairman, the number four Republican leadership position.

After the election, I offered my congratulations to Representative Stefanik on her election as Conference Chair and to our caucus for selecting such a capable Member to help lead our party in this critical season. We appreciate her commitment to unified leadership, and I am looking forward to our partnership in helping Republicans succeed in 2022 by promoting a conservative Republican agenda that works for the American people and draws a sharp contrast with the socialist Democrat agenda.


Photo courtesy of Caleb Smith, Office of Leader McCarthy

On Thursday, I introduced the Save the Liberty Theatre Act, alongside Senator John Kennedy. The Liberty Theatre in Eunice has been a staple of Louisiana's Cajun community for nearly 100 years, and efforts to restore it are currently hindered because the National Park Service (NPS) owns part of the theatre. Our bill will resolve this issue by transferring the NPS's partial ownership of the Liberty Theatre to the City of Eunice. With its restoration, this special landmark can be enjoyed for generations to come, and will generate additional tourism for the region.


In recognition of National Police Week, I organized a series of Republican speeches on the House Floor to honor the brave law enforcement officers who put their lives at risk each day to keep our communities safe. Watch my floor speech below where I articulated some of the many reasons why we - as a nation - must always Back the Blue.



Last week, I had the honor of attending the unveiling of the Louisiana Civil Rights Trail marker at the historic Little Union Baptist Church in Shreveport.

This marker is an important landmark for our community and will serve as an excellent educational opportunity for children right here in Louisiana. Learn more about the trail marker at the Little Union Baptist Church here.



The schedule is officially out! Let's go Saints!


Thank you again for subscribing and reading. We'll have more next week!

For freedom,


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